As the fresh air of spring arrives, it is the perfect time to clean and organise your nursery. Whether you are yet to welcome your baby to your home or you are re-organising your child’s existing room, spring cleaning and organising your nursery will give the nursery a fresh lease of life. Keeping your nursery clean and clutter-free will create a more enjoyable space that is healthy and safe for your baby.
In this article, we will give you some great tips on how to clean and organise your nursery, from decluttering to adding new decorations to make your nursery fun again. Read on for the best spring cleaning and nursery organisation tips.
Stage 1: The Declutter
Decluttering your nursery is the first step before you attempt to clean it. No doubt you will have accumulated many toys and nursery items you no longer need, including clothes that your child has outgrown.
Look around your nursery space and pull out any items you no longer use or need. Clothing your child has outgrown and toys they no longer have interest in can be donated or sold on second-hand sites.
Throw away any clothing that cannot be reused or broken toys.
Pack away and store any items you wish to save for future children or items you wish to save as mementos. This can include a favourite jumper your baby wore, or a well-loved book or toy.
Decluttering will make the nursery space feel larger, and easier to keep clean and organised.

Organising your Nursery Stage 2: Cleaning
Once you have decluttered your nursery space you can then move on to cleaning.
In order to fully clean your nursery it is advisable to start by removing large furniture items so you can clean the floor behind them. If you're not able to remove furniture from the room you can clean your nursery space in stages, moving furniture from one side to the other.
Start cleaning by sweeping and dusting all the surfaces including windows, the ceiling, corners, and walls. It is easy for dust and allergens to collect in small spaces especially behind furniture and in hard-to-reach areas.
Once you have cleaned all the services sweep and vacuum the flooring, paying close attention to any rugs or carpets. Rugs and carpets make a nursery area feel warm and cosy, however, they also trap dust and other allergens. Ensure that you fully clean any carpets and rugs with the appropriate cleaning products that are safe for children and that will remove built-up stains and dust.
Finally, wipe any hard surfaces, light fittings, and furniture with a damp cloth to remove dust and dirt.
Don't forget to clean things like picture frames, bookshelves, and soft furnishings such as upholstered chairs and large soft toys.
To ensure that you receive the maximum amount of light in your child’s room make sure to also clean the windows inside and out.
Once you have cleaned the nursery area and furniture, turn your attention to your child’s bed area.
Clean down the hard surfaces of the bed and ensure that the bed is not damaged or becoming overly worn. As children grow their sleeping requirements will change and they will outgrow cot beds, so consider when they might need an upgrade.
Ensure to wash your child's bedding including sheets, blankets, and any comfort items they sleep with.
Pay close attention to the mattress. Clean any stains and vacuum the mattress to remove dust build-up before putting on clean bedding.
Stage 3: Organisation
Organising Your Nursery
Once you have decluttered and cleaned it is time to organise your child’s nursery. This may include introducing new furniture items that can help store their clothes, toys, and bedding. There are many children's furniture items that are aesthetically pleasing, and playful as well as provide functional storage.
Bookshelves that can be fitted to the walls, can double up as storage and attractive displays for special toys, as well as books.
Seating in the nursery can conceal storage and under-bed drawers can provide excellent areas to store bedding.
To keep your nursery organised and clutter-free make sure you have a defined location for each item in your nursery. This can include defining areas for specific uses, such as a nappy changing station or a book reading nook, or a play corner.
In order to keep toys organised and tidy you may need to buy specific storage which fits in with your nursery decor.
There are many drawer systems and attractive storage solutions that are easy for children to use and help keep the nursery clutter-free.
Final Stage: Decoration
Last but not least, don't forget to decorate the nursery with a few unique accents.
To add some natural beauty and fresh air to the space, you can add a few low-maintenance child-safe plants.
If you are unable to paint the walls or add permanent decorations you can include small ornaments or a brightly coloured photograph or piece of art.
Adding some light decoration can help bring a fresh feel to the nursery making the room feel more inviting, to both you and your child.
Final Thoughts
Spring is the ideal time to organise and perform some much-needed cleaning in your nursery. By having a spring clean you will create a safe and healthy environment for your child to grow in by cleaning, organising, and clearing the clutter.
To make the nursery feel more welcoming and comfortable for you and your child, introduce storage solutions for everyday items and toys, create fun and functional allocated areas, and add a few personal touches.
Remember you do not have to complete all the stages in one go, as the process of decluttering, cleaning and organising can take some time, especially with a little one using the space. Take your time to achieve what you can with the time that you have. Include your child in the process if they are able to help.
Spring cleaning and organising your nursery will transform the nursery space into a lovely and useful room that is inviting and which your family will enjoy for years to come with a little time and work.